
new egypton movie s con to town ,, mn zman mashft flm m9re at7ms lah,,wayed qawe o b6ln bdal mykon b6l wa7d ,,,

24 May 2012

7arem elsultan cast like u never see them before

wooooooooow... am speechless!! they r soo hot :D`

عظماء العالم و امهاتهم

وراء كل رجل عظيم امراة,,,,,الام

السلطان سليمان و امه السلطانه عايشة حفصة
انشتاين و امه

 توماس اديسون و والدته
 مايكل جاكسون و امه كاثرين
 موزارت و امه
 الفيس بريسلي و امه
 جراهام بيل و امه

bday girl

its my bday...., am gettin older without noticing enne ma3sht elsna ele fatat aw in other world ma7set feha... the rythm was soo fast mamdane a9er chithi 3han o9al chthak u know.. but am enjoyin and am blessed el7mdlah ele 36ana el9e7a wl3afya o alah y6awl b3mar ele a7bhm wshofhm 7waleey yarab... 24/5

my bday

thx to all my family and friends who made my day and make it so speciall yet even much funnier..without u  my ife is nothin... 3sani man7rm:***

New Photography Course with Tahani Al-Ayoub

To register you can visit her website (link).  looking forward to your course indeed.

what to wear with black blazer

 we always got tht awkward moment whn we see a black a blazer in the shop and sai woooow! thts the piece ive been lookin for... it suits many ocasion and i can wear it wth many thing ... but whn tht moment come we get confuse.. mmm wut to wear wth black blazer? i don wana look like a waitres or a maestro... i wana style t up... here is some ways of how u wear it and be stylsh :D`